Wednesday, July 19, 2006

New Game...

Today's lyrics game is brought to you by none other than the amazing Anna...

'The rumours spreading round that she cooks in the nude.'

Anyone can play, just name that tune. No looking on google or otherwise cheating. With each day that passes another line is posted.


Blogger Barbara Bruederlin said...

I don't know, but it sure sounds Belle and Sebastian-y. (But it's not, I don't think)

8:46 PM  
Blogger karen said...

Hmmmm, good thinking. I can't hear it yet and if I don't hear it right off I'm stumped :(

Bring on the next line, STAT.

10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does STAT mean...?

With my usual pedantry, I'd like to add a missing apostrophe to the first line I gave you: should be '...rumour's...'

Ok, that done, I can move on and give you the next line. Because I'm sly, that line was probably the most random in the whole song - but now I'm for it, because the line that follows it may well blow the whole thing:

'But she don't care, she don't care.'

[Terrible grammar] ;)

11:12 AM  
Blogger karen said...

STAT. Like on ER, like "get me 50CC of epinephrine, STAT". And like on Short Circuit (surely the best film ever made) "get me a chopper, STAT". Like, ASAFP, quick smart, on the double etc etc.

Yeah I was going to mention that apostrophe but as you are the undisputed queen of grammar I figured I must be wrong :)

12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, i get it...though i would still like a break down of what the letters actually stand for:

Swift! Thou Art Tardy! (?)

12:26 PM  
Blogger karen said...

It's not an anacronym, I capitalised it to emphasise the shoutiness. It's actually from the latin 'statim' which means immediately. Cos I knew that all along and didn't look it up at all. Not one little bit.

12:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poo. The amusement of thinking up possible STAT phrases was going to keep me going for quite a while. Latin schmatin.

1:04 PM  
Blogger karen said...

Don't let me stop you deary.

1:15 PM  

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