Thursday, August 17, 2006

Open Wide...

I had my six-monthly trip to the dentist today. First off I had a de-scale and polish with the hygienist. It was a hygienist I hadn't seen before and my usual one just gets on at scraping and proding away without talking. But this one was all about the chat and it was a real test of how many different noises I can make with her hands in my mouth. Turns out I have noises for "really?", "cool", "oh wow that sounds lovely", "a springer spaniel, amazing, who knew?". I imagine they all sound pretty similar to the untrained ear, but the woman is a professional and no doubt deciphering these noises is all part of the training.

She's great I love her. She told me all about her last trip to Scotland, how she saw all the wildlife she wanted to, including an otter which caught a crab which it took to the shore to eat. Then she watched it for a further hour and forty minutes while it caught more and more food. Then I discovered that her family had lived in Colorado for a year when she was 7 and they had a white Christmas but that her sister is 2 years younger and doesn't remember it. More recently she stopped over in Toronto for a day en route to somewhere else and she thought it to be a wonderful place (and I enthusiastically agreed while she buffed away at the back of my mouth) and she'd read a book by the same author as 'The English Patient' had I seen 'The English Patient'? I made noises like "not yet" but apparently I should. Anyway the book was set in Toronto, she thought in the 1920s, and even then it was a very multicultural, tolerant place which meant that there were lots of good places to eat out. I found out more about the life of my new hygienist in those short minutes than I know about some of my friends.

Then I went to the dentist who poked each of my teeth with a stick and said "Given your age (er, excuse me?) it is extremely unlikely you will ever get any decay. You could move into a sweet shop and still be ok". Erm, so why on earth do I need to hand £25 over to you every 6 months then?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hee hee, what an entertaining trip to the dentist! Glad to hear your gnashers are in such fine form :)E)
(that's trying to be a toothy grin)

I myself am having some tooth trouble this morn - courtesy of a wisdom tooth that's making its presence felt. Must mean I'm finally getting wise, though, which is some compensation! xx

10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

didn't work did it...will pointlessly try again


10:56 AM  
Blogger Will said...

Being a Dentist is a license to print money Kees. At least you're dispelling the myth all Americans have about us having rotten teeth (I think Austin Powers is part of the reason).
Still, you survived, well done.
Top 5 Squeeze songs, in no particular order.
"Is That Love"
"Goodbye Girl"
"Pulling Mussels From A Shell"
"Another Nail For My Heart"

11:41 AM  
Blogger Barbara Bruederlin said...

I would take that as an invitation from your dentist to not bother going back again for at least a couple of years after moving into the sweet shop. But then you would miss your lovely hygenist. Oh dear.

Dentists are bad enough, but it's orthodontists who are truly truly evil and bent upon world domination.

2:26 PM  
Blogger Allison said...

I think we're getting ripped off at the dentist here, yours is much cheaper.
My mom is a hygienist and she always picks up on my mumbling really easily, it must have been part of her training ;)
I really enjoy going to the dentist, I think I may be the only one. Buy hey, at least you weren't bored out of your mind, most offices you get stuck listening to bad elevator music.

6:11 PM  
Blogger karen said...

Nasty business wisdom teeth. Painful little bastards. Poor anna. I LOVE the toothy grin it works well :)E) xx

I know Ben! My American friends were amazed what good teeth we Brits had. Pfff.
So...'Goodbye Girl' and 'Tempted' were on my list too, natch, BUT I had two standbys so here it is...
'Up The Junction'
'Take Me, I'm Yours'
'Slap and Tickle'
'Striking Matches'

Yeah I thought that too Barbara but of course he followed it up by saying he would need to see me again in 6 months. Git.

6:17 PM  
Blogger Hil said...

Three things mostly irrelevant to this post:

1) Mentions of Michael Ondaatje (English Patient Man) make me bang on about his books for hours on end, so that hygeinist lady is lucky I'm not her patient (that and my godawful teeth). Read them! And weep!

2) I love Anna's toothy gnasher grin thing.

3) Writing up a PhD is AWFUL

7:42 PM  
Blogger Hil said...

ps - where did you get a picture of my teeth?

11:50 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

Kees yes that is a good price for a visit. Here we pay something like 100$ for a visit.
My dentist plays CBC Radio One so I try to make the appointment when sounds like Canada is on Allison. Oh wait I am in TO now I will have to find a whole new dentist...
I will call up places and ask them what they are listening to first.
Your hygienist is right about Toronto but I still can't find Shish Taouk in Toronto only in Montreal and maybe in Lebanon... But I ain't going to Lebanon.
Wait a minute Kees don't you have white christmases?

2:34 AM  
Blogger karen said...

Hello Hilbo! Yes ma'am read them I will. Yes I too love Anna's toothy grin thing. Aw Hilbo don't say that :( hang in there lady you're nearly done. LOVE ur little pic btw. It rocks.

Well Barbara that's just for the dentist, the hygienist is another £25 so it's probably about the same really. Good idea about finding out what they listen to! Mine plays BBC radio 2 which is great. No Barbara we don't have a white christmas :( It snows here for about a week in February and the whole country grinds to a complete halt. Every year it comes as a complete surprise and no one knows what to do. Schools shut down, roads are in gridlock, it's ridiculous. I LOVE snow :)

12:03 PM  
Blogger mellowlee said...

Hmmmm the dentists in my neighborhood charge $200 a visit. Maybe I should move...

7:30 PM  
Blogger karen said...

Wow! $200!!! Yikes. I should re-train as a dentist...then move!

12:16 PM  
Blogger Phil said...

I joined Denplan, so it now costs me £9.20 a month by DD, but I get two hygienist visits and two check-ups and any minor work (fillings etc) are covered by this too.
Although on my last visit:

8:14 PM  
Blogger karen said...

Hmmm, Denplan is definitely worth thinking about. Great post BTW!! Poor Dogga! If I do decide to re-train I'll let you know - you can have mate's rates :)E)

9:03 PM  

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