Monday, July 24, 2006

Hi Ho Silver Lining

Well I was supposed to go a festival that I REALLY wanted to go to at the weekend, and right now I'm supposed to be at a conference I REALLY wanted to attend (sad I know BUT 'disco' was scheduled as part of the programme so I was pretty excited) but being the sickly wee beast I am I couldn't do either of those things cos I was busy dying a slow boring death.

But even big dark clouds have silver linings and this one came in the form of a visit from little Anna! Yay!! AND she brought me flowers! Yay!

Gems Gems came over too and dragged my arse out of the flat to go for noodles. Oh and lest I forget the white chocolate and ginger cheesecake I had after. Oh good lord I can't tell you how good that stuff is. I f**king love a cheesecake.

Touching wood, fingers crossed and all that jazz, I think I might be on the mend so normal service should resume shortly.


Blogger Barbara Bruederlin said...

I hope the ginger and white chocolate cheesecake and the flowers help speed you along to health. You don't want to miss anything else, you poor thing!

3:14 AM  
Blogger Allison said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:06 AM  
Blogger Allison said...

SIckness sucks, no matter the form. Hope you feel better soon. Flowers and cheesecake definetly help though :)

7:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The flowers look a little peculiar in that picture - I promise, everyone, that they were pretty flowers (sweet peas, in fact, from my lovely mum's garden) and they smelt yummy too.

I'm intrigued by the deleted comment - was it insulting my flowers?!

I wish I knew how to make cheesecake - that one sounds simply divine. x

10:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what was the deleted comment? was it hateful?

1:29 PM  
Blogger karen said...

Barbara I think they might just have done the trick. Back at work today, just a little more cheesecake and I'll be as right as rain :)

Thanks Allison :D

Anna they were gorgeous flowers but the light was weird and they had started to wilt a little - I think they still look pretty good tho! Perfectionist!

How funny that everyone is so excited by the deleted comment! It was no more than erroneous duplication of comments. As if I'd delete an offensive comment! No censorship here people.

4:01 PM  
Blogger Hil said...

Poor thing.

I have just had a short discussion with myself about whether I would rather be healthy without cheesecake or ill with it. Sadly (more arguments for blonde being proportional to 1/fun - although you were probably right about that, Karen) I am both ill and without cheesecake. But I'm not really ill - it's only a cough - so I mustn't complain.

I feel that I am building some sort of blogspot Eeyore persona. Maybe I will lose my tail.


7:42 PM  
Blogger Allison said...

Sorry, to clear up, the deleted comment was me ;) I was working on another group blog, and was still signed in under that name. I figured it wouldn't make much sense posting under that log-in, although I really didn't think it would cause such a

7:57 PM  
Blogger karen said...

Poor Hilbo. I'll send you some cheesecake my lovely. And I'll sew your tail back on if u want (probably best we just let the whole blonde being proportional to 1/fun thing go, all we're doing is providing a glaring illustration of exactly why we don't have nearly enough fun).

Good work Allison!! The intrigue! Very funny :D

9:53 PM  
Blogger Phil said...

Get well soon Kees! :-x
The festival was great - blog entry coming soon!

2:47 PM  

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