Thursday, June 29, 2006

Brilliant day

For a number of long and complicated reasons today has been utter shit. So I decided to leave work early and stomp home in time for neighbours (which, as it turned out, wasn't on). I had a big pile of books, my phone, my dongle (USB thingy whatever the hell they're called), and my keys. Dropped my keys, bent down to pick them up dropped my dongle. Bent down to pick up keys and dongle, dropped my phone. Scrabbled after phone which had shot across the lab, dropped my keys.

So going to try to forget about today because it's all about yesterday! Which was a brilliant day. Started well when I got into work and found a small gift bag on my desk - there are few things more exciting. My boss had bought me back a gorgeous coin purse from the New York Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art! It looks like this...

AND I got an hilarious e-mail from the beautiful Hilary who I haven't heard from in ages. Actually got loads of funny e-mails yesterday. AND I went for a coffee and a lush piece of chocolate crunch cake with my very good friend Dr H and we speculated about our colleagues' love lives in a very gossipy manner. AND inspite of my excessive e-mailing and coffee drinking I got masses of work done. AND there is talk that my ancient old laptop at work will be replaced with a fancy new 'puter. AND I made an amazing thai curry for dinner which was so good I wish I could eat it again right now.


Blogger Hil said...

That's me! Blush!

I don't have anything funny to say though. Boo. So I'll go now...


10:54 PM  
Blogger karen said...

Good god hilbo that heart thing is SO exciting. Being the techo-div that I am I can't get it to work and that makes me sad :(

9:40 AM  
Blogger Phil said...

Hope things go better for ya today Kees. (You could of watched Home and Away instead - It's much better anyway! Pfff)

Sounds like yesterday was full of fun and calories.
New puter eh... mmmm... Drool

Nice coinage purse - I could do with one myself, TeeHee, oh and they're called USB Sticks duh! :)

9:42 AM  
Blogger karen said...

Thanks Dogga! Today is going much better already. More on that later :) (Home and Away = rubbish - how many more times?)

Don't drool just yet, it ain't that great by ur standards but I'm easily pleased. It's Viglen for a start which I believe is Sir Alan's reincarnation of Amstrad.

What-ever. It's my blog and while you're here you'll call them dongles mmkay?

12:25 PM  

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