Friday, October 06, 2006

Happy Birthday Anna!

A very special present for you (may only be of interest to Anna, Gemma and my mum - apologies)...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw your post on 'will and ben's record room'. Woah, there were 40 tracks battling for a place on the album, haha - I want to hear them!

Gil Elvgren's pin-up work is great (picture in post below).
I visited Bristol in the summer, it's a very cool city. But yeah, traffic their looks awful. Funny road system, especially through the town center.

4:19 PM  
Blogger Barbara Bruederlin said...

Happy Birthday Anna! Perhaps Kees will make you one of her lovely cakes.

4:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm speechless! The best start my monday morning could have had! A birthday bonanza of Neighbours - how fantastic is that? (I love Karl with his lawn-mower!)Hilarious. They should do a proper west-end musical...

Thanks v.much for b'day wishes and yes, Barbara, I will be sure to get one of Karen's scrumptious cakes out of her when I see her next - should I put in my order now?

8:27 AM  
Blogger karen said...

Hi River! Thanks for the info I had no idea who that was by, isn't it great though?

I will indeed Barb, I will indeed.

Anna they actually should do a musical. We should suggest it to them. I'd pay good money to see that. Yes by all means put your order in my dear. Chocolate orange cake, chocolate birthday cake, chocolate cupcakes, chocolate brownies....any cake you like as long as it's chocolate.

10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the link!! Took me ages to get it to work, had to download a bunch of plug-ins. Gosh, they do make it complicated over at the bbc, lol.
Im listening to it at the mo :3.

Yeah, I love Gil's work, it's a lot of fun. I saw a calander in waterstones that had loads of his pictures in it, was very cool.

12:10 AM  

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