Wednesday, November 08, 2006


The last few days I've been on a psychoneuroimmunology course. I know it sounds totally made up but it's real. It's basically a fancy way of saying 'mind and body', it was all to do with the effect of stress and emotions on progression of disease and all that jazz. A lot of it was very convincing, especially some of the HIV stuff. There was also some stuff about the potential biological mechanisms of the placebo effect which was really interesting.

I went along because this sort of stuff is potentially the kind of area I might want to get into once I've got my stinking PhD out the way. Maybe. So I forced myself to go to the dinner on the Monday night, even though I didn't know another soul and was pretty sure they were all bestie mates. Turns out they weren't all bestie mates and I ended up sat opposite the woman I wanted to be sat opposite. The dinner was at a really good little bistro type thing very near me...

The food was glorious and there was plenty of wine. I ate mackerel salad with chilli dressing, then lamb casserole with the tastiest potatoes I've ever had. And I drank a lot. So by the time they came round with the HUGE slab of chocolate mocha tart, my belly was swollen with a substantial food baby.

And yet somehow there was room for tart. I don't know what's wrong with me - this was the day after the ridiculously large Sunday lunch. I am literally trying to eat myself to death. Way to make a good impression on potential future employers.

In another food-related incident I pinched the fleshy bit of my little finger in the handle of some salad tongs during lunch yesterday - so hard it's come up in a nasty little blood blister thing - while talking to a nice young man from London. I wanted to scream and yell "owwwwwwww" in his face, but I held it together and continued to nod with great interest at what he was saying. I'm just so slick with my networking.


Blogger mellowlee said...

OWWWWWWWWWWWWWw I felt that!!! Poor little finger! It's hard to muffle pain isn't it. Poor you :(
That dinner sounds amazing. Mackrel salad hmmmmmm lol
psychoneuroimmunology does sound made up *laughing hard* Glad the course is interesting. :D

4:47 PM  
Blogger Allison said...

Slick indeed...see just another reason you shouldn't eat salad! No, I heart salad, its my everyday lunch food.
There is always room for dessert. Always.

That course actually does sound really interesting. When do you have to hand in your Phd paper? The end date is looming for my thesis, clearly not in the same realm as yours, but still daunting for me.

5:41 PM  
Blogger Barbara Bruederlin said...

You are the consummate luncher! Struggling on bravely with witty banter even while incapacitated with a blood blister. Well done.

lolz @ food baby!

I do think though, that there is considerable untapped healing potential in placebo, but there's that whole ethics thing...

5:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"psychoneuroimmunology" woah, that's like three different courses in one! Good luck with it :).

Even if the food was delicious, it's no excuse; eating yourself to death is something one should not do in public lol.

8:10 PM  
Blogger Phil said...

You have a bottom less pit for a stomach Kees, especailly for such a tiny person! :]
I hate catching my skin in things and getting those blood blisters; makes me shudder! x

10:23 AM  
Blogger karen said...

Psychoneuroendocrinology is also a personal fav Mel :)

Well Allison my funding runs out at the end of Feb, so sitting on my ass blogging is just about the last thing I should be doing :{ And doesn't matter how big the project deadlines for these things always loom large.

That's the thing Barb, it's hard to get funding for placebo stuff cos the pharm companies don't want you finding out how to harness that healing potential!!!

I know River, what can I say, I'm one disgusting individual :)

I have hollow arms and legs Dogga. I am made not of blood and bone, but of cheesecake xx

12:33 PM  
Blogger Will said...

sounds like a fascinating field of study. really does. and i'm glad the dinner ended up going well. sounds delish. my tummy is jealous.

7:18 PM  

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