Monday, July 03, 2006

Hell Is Other People

Up til the wee small hours discussing Michael Douglas on msn with gem gems, then couldn't sleep. Wide awake at 4.14am. Utter rubbish. Feel rough as a badgers arse today.

Work is SO BORING. I so lonely. And I was skulking into work feeling sorry for myself when some hateful knobhead asked me for directions. Not known for my navigational skills I apologised, with a smile, that I did not know where the building he required was but that the map over the road contained a list of all the buildings in the vicinity and I felt sure it would be listed there...but before I could finish he rolled his eyes, put his hand up to stop me talking, and walked off.

I think what he meant to say was "thank you for your very polite attempt at helping me with my total ineptitude but I have already seen the map you mentioned and it has been of no help to me, probably because I roll my eyes at every little inconvenience that comes my way so I can't actually see properly"

Then the people off the telly turned up at work AGAIN. They need a white corridor for 30 seconds of footage and it has taken weeks to sort it. An actress is going to walk down the corridor to a man sat right outside my office. They keep turning up and discussing all this very loudly outside the office. And yet no one has actually told anyone this is going to be happening, I've got all my info from ear-wigging. Then today a photography man turned up and started taking pictures of the corridor from INSIDE MY OFFICE without even acknowledging I was sat there trying to concentrate! How rude! All this accompanied by ridiculously loud drilling from above and below. So, mad as a bag of spiders, I stalked off home in a huff. That definitely showed them.


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