Monday, July 31, 2006

There's no place like home

Went home to sunny Weymouth at the weekend to visit ma and pa.

A funny thing happened the other week - Stu started jogging. He has been making empty threats to start jogging for some years, but now he's actually doing it. And not just half-heartedly, but up at 6.30am!! Which is how I ended up on the beach with him and Gem Gems at stupid o'clock on Saturday morning. They went for a jog along the beach while I sat on my lazy arse and took pics. Far more sensible.

Then on Saturday evening we went to Chris and Claire's for a BBQ which was AMAZING. Chris is such a good cook - he did these thai kebab things which were LUSH. Played with Millie the dog lots - she needs the exercise 'cos she's on a diet to get rid of her big bum!!! Bless.

But as is typical round these parts it started pissing it down...

How cute do Stu and Chris look? Like two beer-drinking peas in pod.


Blogger Allison said...

oh, the beach looks so peaceful! although nothing could get me up at the hour, going to the gym mid morning is enough ;)

1:04 AM  
Blogger Barbara Bruederlin said...

Millie looks as though she has taken a big chomp out of that soccer ball!

I agree - that beach looks so blissful. Is there anything that can make you more at peace than water and trees? Well, besides sharing a beer under an umbrella in front of the bbq, that is?

2:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a very pretty scene. Advice to Stu: jogging on sand is the most evil jogging of all - it's like having glue on the soles of your shoes and, bizarrely, makes your legs feel really heavy. May be just me, though... x

10:06 AM  
Blogger karen said...

Allison: I was actually already awake if you can believe it! I was amazed at how many other people were there already, put me to shame.

Barbara: Yes indeed she did but it's just made her love it more :)

Anna: He went along the beach wall - I tihnk the sand would have actually killed him dead. He's loving his jogging but missing your company! x

6:18 PM  
Blogger Phil said...

OMG, he's ACTUALLY started jogging!!! Were you waiting for him with some weak lemon drink and one of those foil towels? :]
Liking the beach pictures and what a top dogga Millie looks!

I love the British dedication Chris and Stu are showing there, with beers, umbrella and BBQ still on the go! Hats off to em! :]

8:13 PM  
Blogger karen said...

I know!! I feel like maybe some sort of bet was made a while back but I can't remember what!! Good job or I reckon you and/or Andy might owe him some money :)

9:25 PM  

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