Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Game Over

Well that's that then. 3 weeks after spending £70 on getting my bike fixed when it was cruelly plundered by thieving shitheads it has been stolen in its entirety. They cut straight through the lock. It didn't even have the saddle with it. I'm not getting another one - I can take a hint. Plus it was becoming apparent to me just how dangerous cycling round Bristol really is. Students walk out in front of you, people open their car doors without looking, people pull out of side roads without looking, people pull into side roads across the front of you having just overtaken you to do so, so they know full well you're there. Perhaps a blessing in disguise. I guess I'm back to walking. I got legs, I know how to use 'em.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no! What a ******* nightmare - some low-life probably now has your bike with all three of its wheels. Your blood must be boiling, what a sorry end to your cycling saga - though, like you say, perhaps safer in the long run to use good old reliable legs. So sorry : (

10:27 AM  
Blogger Allison said...

That's horrible Kees, so sorry :( They really have to get on making better locks. Or I guess people are still jsut going to cut them...
Nothing wrong with walking, use those legs.

4:32 PM  
Blogger karen said...

Actually Anna my blood is not boiling. I was about the wheel, that was so mindless, but this just felt inevitable. I was a bit sad. I like riding my little bike. Never mind tho eh? Worse things happen at sea.

You're right, nowt wrong with walking at all, and I'll be able to put my iPod into proper service again.

7:43 PM  
Blogger Barbara Bruederlin said...

That is quite unbelievable! It's as though someone were personally determined that you have no bike! (Do you have any enemies by chance?)

If they ever catch the bastards I will be happy to personally come over there and kick their asses!

9:07 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

"worse things happen at sea"...
is this a saying?
Interesting ... can I use that one?

5:01 AM  
Blogger Barbara said...

oops sorry I got distracted by your turn of phrase.
Sorry to hear about you bike... I happens to most of us... I hope the thieves choke on the food they bought with the 'profits' of their crime...

5:03 AM  
Blogger Barbara said...

It... not I.
way past my bedtime...

5:04 AM  
Blogger mellowlee said...

I'm sorry to hear that Kees! Riding there sounds brutal! I am relieved that you will be safer!

I hope the Karma Police come and kick them in the ass!

5:12 AM  
Blogger Phil said...

BASTARDS! Grrrr, but treat it as a blessing in disguise yeah!
Don't wanna see ya get hurt now do we :[]

10:54 AM  
Blogger karen said...

Yay! And you KNOW how to kick ass Barb. It would almost be better if it was personal - it's much sadder that I live in the kind of place where no bike is safe for longer than 3 weeks.

It is a saying Barbara, and even though it's not MY saying I hereby give you permission to use it. I reckon it originated in fishing communities. Probably.

Thanks Mel, I'm sure their asses are already pretty sore fom riding around with no saddle. Morons.

I nearly got squished one too many times Dogga. I'm sure it's for the best :{

1:44 PM  
Blogger phlegmfatale said...

See what happens to people who exercise?

4:09 PM  
Blogger KeesKennis said...

Once I got here I had to comment.

I have to agree with phlegmfatale
that exercise is bad and that you are better off without the bike.

Gustav Eifel, aged 80, explaining his good health. "Whenever I get the urge to exercise, I lie down on a bed until the urge is gone"

7:06 AM  
Blogger karen said...

I know I know phelgmfatale. But now I have to walk to work which takes a lot longer and therefore seems like MORE exercise. Sigh.

Keeskennis!!!! Check you out!!!! Glad to meet you. Loving the quote. We must be related :P

8:23 PM  
Blogger karen said...

Hell yes! God I'd love a jet pack. I think more research should be going into flying devices for the individual.

9:06 PM  
Blogger phlegmfatale said...

wowwee - can I get a jet pack, too? I've been craving one.

1:45 AM  
Blogger Toccata said...

Ah Kees, that's terrible. I only hope the loser that stole it finds himself whacked by one of those car doors!

7:50 AM  
Blogger karen said...

2 jet packs please Ben. I'll pop up for mine then propell myself over to Dallas and deliver your in person Phlegmfatale.

Thanks Toccata, fingers croseed eh? :D

11:55 AM  
Blogger Will said...

No problem Kees, follow the M5 onto the M6 and you'll be there.

And you can watch them queing in traffic on the way back.

Seriously though,

Why haven't we all got Jet Packs ?

3:15 PM  
Blogger Barbara Bruederlin said...

I agree. When I was growing up I really though that by this time we would all have personal gyrocopters and eat nothing but pills (although I would hate that but think of the time saved on cooking and cleaning up) and only work 10 hours a week. I think I watched the Jetsons too much.

5:10 PM  
Blogger Allison said...

I too wish we'd have gotten around to the jetpacks already. It for sure has to do with the Jetsons in my case. My friends instilled a rule that I can only bring up the Jetsons once per month, as I like to reference it a lot. But its just so good :)

12:52 AM  
Blogger karen said...

You're all right, I really quite strongly feel we should all have been given the personal technology to fly years ago, and probably The Jetsons is to blame for this. That said, how hard can it be? With all the fancy shit going on these days I think the ability to have a bit of a faly about is a fairly trivial request really.

4:52 PM  
Blogger Toccata said...

Just stopped by to see how life without the bike is going.

1:29 AM  
Blogger karen said...

Hey Toccata, thanks. JUST finished the slow walk into work. Very jealous of cyclists whizzing past me but felt much safer on the pavement :D

9:32 AM  
Blogger phlegmfatale said...

...so, Ben, does that mean I'll need to jet over to collect my jet pack?

3:58 AM  

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